Study of Paramedic Triage of Intoxication
Acute alcohol intoxication is prevalent in patients cared for by the emergency medical system and emergency departments, impacting individual and community health and health system resource utilization. Improved understanding of incidence of uncomplicated alcohol intoxication, field assessment and triage, and the care outcomes of these patients will contribute to ensuring the most appropriate care and resources for acute uncomplicated alcohol intoxication are provided. For this study, we are evaluating the experience of EMS paramedics in the assessment and triage of adults with acute alcohol intoxication.​​
Conducted through the UCSF School of Nursing, this study is funded by the NIAAA (National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse) grant 5K01AA029465-03. The principal investigator is Shannon Smith-Bernardin, PhD, RN, an addiction nurse scientist with expertise in community-based care of adults with harmful alcohol and/or other drug use.​​
For further information and to participate as a key informant, please contact Shannon at shannon.smith-bernardin (at) or call 415-353-1399 (24/7 voicemail). You may also text anytime to 510-374-4274.